Klassieke Wereld
De klassieke wereld omvat de landen waar de 'moderne' wijnbouw is ontstaan. Dit zijn dus landen in en om Europa. Waarschijnlijk zou Egyptisch wijn er dus ook bij horen, maar die hebben we (nog) niet.

Klassieke Wereld

There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
There aren't many people who could call themselves wine archivists but Philippe Gayral is one. And, fortunately for those of us who appreciate delicious and underpriced wines with a story, we can buy wines from his particular archives.  The other way in which he describes himself and his wife Sandrine,...
Tot het midden van de 19e eeuw voerden de Fransen, Britten en Amerikanen een vorm van zeeoorlog door het achtervolgen en aanvallen van vijandelijke schepen. Daarvoor werden zeelieden ingehuurd die geen soldaten waren, en die na verloop van tijd bekend werden als kapers, van de oude uitdrukking "de zeeën bevaren"...